Saturday, July 31, 2004

Relative to our brother Geoff Jones

His visitors are now restricted to immediate family only..

Suggested prayers for Geoff would be for improvement in his cognative
skills, short term memory and motor skills...

"Those they wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall
mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and
not grow weary they will walk and not grow faint." ... Isaiah 40:31

Friday, July 30, 2004


On Tuesday, July 27, 2004, the Legal Center for Defense of Life learned that it has been sued by Metropolitan Medical Associates, the Englewood abortion mill notorious for admitting to performing 1,500 partial-birth abortions a year in addition to countless other abortions.

The Englewood clinic attracts women from New York City and the entire New York-New Jersey metropolitan region, many of whom are referred for late-term abortions that other abortionists are unable or unwilling to handle.

For over 30 years, dedicated pro-life demonstrators and sidewalk counselors have assembled outside the gruesome Englewood facility, praying for an end to this holocaust and hoping to persuade the expectant mothers to change their minds and hearts. By the grace of God, the pro-lifers are sometimes successful in turning women away from Metropolitan�s front door. This hurts the abortion mill�s highly lucrative business, and Metropolitan is upset about it.

As a result, Metropolitan filed suit in the Superior Court of New Jersey, demanding that the Court impose a �buffer zone� around the abortion facility, to keep the pro-lifers across the street, where they cannot talk to �patients� or to hand leaflets to them. But instead of suing the pro-lifers who appear outside its doors on a daily basis, Metropolitan has sued the Legal Center, falsely claiming that the Legal Center is �responsible for organizing protests� outside the abortion mill.

The truth is that the Legal Center has been representing pro-lifers in successful battles against Metropolitan for many years. In 1997, Legal Center attorneys defeated criminal prosecutions against pro-lifers charged with violating a 1974 court order requiring protests to be conducted across the street. The court order was declared null and void, which allowed pro-lifers to counsel and demonstrate immediately in front of the mill, where they are better able to reach the women going inside.

In 1998, in a case that eventually went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, Executive Director Ed Gilhooly and a team of Legal Center volunteers defeated the full might of the U.S. Department of Justice, which tried to convince a federal judge to impose a 60-foot buffer zone around Metropolitan, based on the infamous Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. In 1997, 2000, 2001 and 2003, the Legal Center wrote letters to Englewood officials on behalf of pro-lifers who demonstrate outside of Metropolitan�s clinic.

More recently, and still pending, is the Legal Center�s medical malpractice lawsuit against Metropolitan, on behalf of a woman who was injured during an abortion there.

While Metropolitan has ample reason to be frustrated and upset with the work of the Legal Center over the years, it has no basis whatsoever for a lawsuit against the Legal Center.
Therefore, our President, Rich Collier already filed over 60 pages of briefs and affidavits opposing Metropolitan�s demand for an emergency injunction that would force pro-lifers back across the street.
The Court is expected to rule on this demand on August 6.
We ask for your prayers and continued support of the Legal Center as it faces this latest trial.
posted by Dean 7:08 PM

Banquet 2024

Check out the video from the banquet! Where will you be on October 17th @ 7pm? Thursday October 17, 2024   7:00-9:00pm Calvary Tabernacle  6...