Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Native Americans to Lead Pro-Life T-Shirt Day With Message on Abortion

by Steven ErteltLifeNews.com EditorApril 24, 2006

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Native American teenagers in South Dakota will be leading the way on Tuesday as tens of thousands of pro-life teens across the nation wear their pro-life t-shirts to school. The Indian teens will be sending a strong message to their tribal leader that they don't favor her idea to built an abortion facility on their reservation.

"Native American teens in South Dakota are showing their support for the pro-life movement by participating in this year's National Pro-life T-shirt Day," says Erik Whittington, who heads up the national project.

The national day tomorrow is a chance for teens in the Oglala Sioux Tribe to show their opposition to an idea by Tribal President Cecelia Fire Thunder, who wants to build an abortion business on tribal lands to get around a new South Dakota ban on abortions.

Whittington recently traveled there and met with pro-life teens who are excited about the opportunity to share their pro-life views.

"It is ironic that the pro-life teens we met were part of the same reservation where a Lakota woman recently pledged to have an abortion clinic built now that the state has outlawed the despicable practice," said Whittington. "This once again proves that America's youth are solidly pro-life."

Students of all ages are invited to wear a pro-life t-shirt or to purchase and wear the official shirt.

This year's campaign takes a page out of the playbook of those who back embryonic stem cell research, which destroys days-old unborn children. The military green shirts for the 2006 campaign feature the slogan, "Help Cure Abortion."

The back of the t-shirt explains that 1.2 million babies die annually from abortions and they're available for just $5 -- a price that fits into any student's budget.

"Wearing a T-shirt with a pro-life message is about more than just making a statement. It presents the truth about the horrors of abortion, while at the same time offers hope for the future," said Whittington. "Pro-life T-shirts save lives."

Unfortunately, some teens have run into problems wearing their pro-life shirts.
Last year, in Des Moines, Iowa, two Roosevelt High School students say their First Amendment rights were violated when school officials told them to remove the shirts. Sisters Brittany and Tamera Chandler said they were threatened with suspension.

Tamera Chandler agreed to wear a sweatshirt over her shirt, but felt her rights had been violated.

"I was upset because they violated my rights, but I didn't want any trouble because graduation's right around the corner," she told the Des Moines newspaper.

This year, as in years past, pro-life teens have no legal reason to worry about repercussions from wearing a pro-life t-shirt as Whittington has enlisted a nationally renown pro-life law firm to help any student who runs into problems.

"As you might expect, there are some public school administrators who don't quite know what to do when dozens-even hundreds-of their students show up for class wearing pro-life messages," said Whittington. "Some have even threatened students with detention, suspension and expulsion. However, the Constitution is on the side of free speech."

He indicated the Michigan-based Thomas More Law Center will again be available to assist any students who encounter problems with teachers or school officials.

Related web sites:National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day - http://www.nationalprolifetshirtday.com

Printed from: http://www.lifenews.com/nat2221.html
Copyright © 2003-2004 LifeNews.com.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Current Prayer Items and Needs:

Primary in the need of any a pregnancy center is more individuals to support the work with their prayers and their giving. Volunteers are the next greatest need. No one can be a volunteer without being trained. A commitment of at least 6-months is required, along with the evidence of salvation and growth in Christ.

Training classes are held three to four times a year and comprise of an intense 18 hours of lecture, discussions, role-play and viewing of videos used in counseling. Both male and female volunteers are needed. Only males counsel males, and only females counsel females.

The addition of a sonogram machine was an example of the Lord's supply. Currently there is a need for two to three nurses to be trained to operate the state of the art ultrasound equipment. Training is free and a one-year commitment is requested.

There is always a need for newborn baby items (sleepwear, outfits, blankets, diapers, lotion, etc). We are requesting only NEW items, except for slightly used small cribs or port-a-cribs, infant cars seats, umbrella type strollers No maternity wear is needed.

Prayer is paramount. Pray for the abortionists that operate in New Jersey. Pray that they will come to Jesus. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated 'Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that' Gateway posts on its internet site www.gateway.org) a clear Statement of Non-Violence along with their Statement of Faith and Principles.

Pray for the current women seen by Gateway, that they will:

* Make a personal commitment to Jesus for salvation

* Carry their babies to term

* Live responsibly and abstain from pre-marital sex

* Pray for past clients, who have accepted Jesus, that they will grow in faith.

* Pray for the fathers and other family members

* Pray for support of the mothers desire to carry the baby to term.

* Pray for the church, that she will see the need to both love in word and deed.

* Pray for a continuing and increasing support base for Gateway, that Jesus may be glorified.

Perhaps you work for one of these companies:










Best Foods BOEING

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Why not request that they 'match' your gift to Gateway?

Gateway is a 501(c)-3 non-profit educational and social service outreach

Our federal ID # is 22-3027500

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

New Jersey Court Rules Jury Must Decide If Abortion Terminates a Life
TRENTON, N.J., April 7, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) -

In a stunning reversal for abortion providers, a New Jersey Appellate Court has issued a unanimous opinion that the factual contention that a first trimester abortion terminates the life of a human being is a question to be decided by a jury. In the sixteen page opinion in Rosa Acuna v. Dr. Sheldon Turkish (Appellate Docket # A-4022-03T5), the the Court remanded the case for trial, ruling that whether a first trimester abortion terminates the life of a complete, unique human being presents a fact question for a jury to decide.

Mrs. Acuna contends that she submitted to an abortion after her regular gynecologist -- who she saw for abdominal pain -- recommended that she have an abortion. When Mrs. Acuna asked Dr. Turkish whether her baby was already there, he told her "Don't be stupid, it is just some blood," according to Mrs. Acuna. Mrs. Acuna wanted to know if there was a human being already in existence. Even Dr. Turkish has acknowledged that he would have told her that there was just some "tissue" that was being removed.

Mrs. Acuna has stated that she relied upon representations of Dr. Turkish, and submitted to the abortion procedure. Three weeks later she was rushed to a local hospital because of heavy hemorrhaging and was told by a nurse that the doctor had "left part of your baby in you."
Mrs. Acuna's attorney, New Jersey attorney Harold J. Cassidy, is also the chief counsel for four parties in litigation involving the same factual contentions, currently pending in the Federal District Court in South Dakota and the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in St. Louis.

In that case, Planned Parenthood sued South Dakota Governor Michael Rounds and Attorney General Larry Long claiming that a South Dakota law enacted in 2005 - - which requires abortion doctors to disclose to a pregnant mother the fact that the abortion will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being -- violates the free speech rights of the abortion doctors.

The Acuna case, which is a jury trial, and the South Dakota Planned Parenthood v. Rounds case (Fed. District Ct. Case No. 05-4077; U.S. Court of Appeals Case No. 05-3093) are the only two cases of their nature in the United States. For the fist time in abortion jurisprudence, both cases will decide whether a first trimester abortion terminates the life of a living human being, and implicates questions surrounding the beginning of biological life.

"Mrs. Acuna is grateful that the Appellate Court has again ruled in her favor so that she will be permitted to try her case in a court of law," Mr. Cassidy stated.

"Planned Parenthood in the South Dakota case had pointed to the second lower court decision in the Acuna case before the U.S. Court of Appeals. Its reliance upon the lower court decision that conflicted with the prior Appellate decision was misplaced, and today's opinion will be brought to the attention of that court before the oral argument on April 20th."

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Worthy of Reprint:

On and Off Christians
By David Alan Black The Covenant News ~ April 17, 2006

The first converts to Christianity were not on and off Christians.
This is clear from the language of Acts 2:42-47. The Greek verbs indicate continuing
or repeated action.

These believers kept on or continued in everything they did. They kept on devoting
themselves to doctrine, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayers.

They kept on being filled with awe. They kept on sharing everything in common.

They kept on selling their possessions and giving them according to individual need.

They kept on breaking bread together in their homes.

They kept on eating their food with gladness and sincere hearts.
And the Lord kept on adding to their fellowship those who were being saved.

These early Christians knew they could not remain static. They were always going forward and their activity was always purposeful. Christian character is not grown at pleasure resorts.

We do not become saints in our sleep. Great soldiers are not developed in the academy but on the battlefield.Our biggest problem in the church today is lack of commitment.

The professing church has become cluttered with hosts of superficial believers who have never sold out. We put one hand to the plow while the other hand remains behind our back, with fingers crossed.

Self-satisfied complacency and false contentment in the midst of a needy world does not offend us in the least.What made the early Christians different from most of us was that they were genuine.

Programmed activities were never substituted for Christian living. They cared nothing for religious fads that work up mere positive thinking. They had no Easters or Christmases or Good Fridays or 40 Days of Purpose. They actually preferred outright opposition to the frivolous endorsement of men.

Their one desire was to know Christ better, to experience increasingly the power of His resurrection, to enter more and more into the fellowship of His sufferings. They had arrived yet they kept on arriving!

Have you checked your spiritual pulse lately? God expects His people to be good stewards, and it is required of stewards that they be found faithfully doing what their Master requires of them.

The early church did not dodge its responsibilities but met everything as it arose, and evil gave way before it.Our Lord is rallying in the church today His faithful few, His Gideon's band, men and women who mean to do business for God wholeheartedly.

May you, and may I, keep on.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Please join us for
Gateway Pregnancy Centers

Walk for Life 2006

Saturday, May 20, 2006 10am til noon
Warinanco Park, Roselle-Elizabeth, New Jersey

Hot dogs, soda, balloons! Free Picnic to follow!
Free T-Shirts for all raising over $150
Great donated prizes

Call 973-399-8378 / log on http://www.gateway.org/

Print this page out and signup sponsors
------------------------------------------------------------------- clip here---
Post at your church!
Walk for Life 2006!
Gateway Pregnancy Centers

We're walking -- Will YOU join us again?

Saturday, May 20, 2006 10am till noon

Warinanco Park, Roselle-Elizabeth, New Jersey

Thank you for walking for the little ones last year.
The 2006 WALK is even BIGGER!
Free Picnic to follow! Hot dogs, soda, balloons!

Special prizes for all backwards walkers (of course!)

First, second, third and fourth top $ raised choose from:

Lunch or dinner for two, a gift certificate from the Jesus Book
and Gift Store, or a special prize to be announced

**ALL prizes have been donated

Call 973-399-8378 / log on www.gateway.org

--------------------------------------------------------- clip here ------

Walk for the Little Ones Sponsor Pledge Form

Walker's name:________________________________________
Town: _____________________________Zip code___________
Telephone number with area code: ( ) _______________
Church /youth group___________________________________

Please print all information and circle pledge desired

First name Last name _______________________
Address______________________________Apt# ________
City ________________________ State____Zip code ______
Circle one $15 $20 $25 $50 $75 $100 Other $ _______
First name _____________ Last name____________________
Address________________________________ Apt. # ______
City __________________ State____ Zip code ____
Circle one $15 $20 $25 $50 $75 $100 Other $ _______

First name ____________Last name _____________________
Address______________________________Apt# ________
City ________________State____Zip code ______

Circle one $15 $20 $25 $50 $75 $100 Other $ _______
First name _____________ Last name____________________
Apt. # _______
City __________________ State____ Zip code ____
Circle one $15 $20 $25 $50 $75 $100 Other $ _______
First name _____________ Last name____________________
Address________________________________ A
pt. # ______
City __________________ State____ Zip code ____
Circle one $15 $20 $25 $50 $75 $100 Other $ _______
First name _____________ Last name____________________
Address________________________________ A
pt. # ______
City __________________ State____ Zip code ____
Circle one $15 $20 $25 $50 $75 $100 Other $ _______

Dear Gateway friends,

Below are three urgent needs at Gateway:

(1) Please pray for Diannia (Dee Dee) Stembridge,
(left) a faithful Tuesday Gateway counselor,who has come down with flu like symptoms. She had had a heart attack in May 2003.

(2) A dear Christian brother is now working in Baltimore at a ministry for troubled youth. He writes: "I just moved to the Baltimore area three weeks ago. We service children and adolescents for adoption, foster care, and who have been displaced from their families. An issue of inappropriate sexuality and its expression through acting out behaviors was discussed in a recent staff meeting. A suggested resource was the possibility contacting Planned Parenthood for a speaker.

Dean, you know my heart. XXXX is a Christian or faith based organization.The CEO committed his life to Christ while in foster care an desires that others in similar situations be reached with the Gospel. When I mentioned that PP was the antithesis of our mission, the response was redirecting me to the Program Director since he mentioned this possibility. This is something that I am willing to approach the Program Director but have the need for prayer and concrete materials for my presentation."

We are contacting local pregnancy centers in Baltimore to help these folks. Please pray that the Lord direct us to the proper CPC for a good Christian outreach to this group."
Thanks, Dean

(3) Geoff Jones, our dear brother in Christ:

Joan Vitale, our associate director writes:

"Our former male counselor, Geoff Jones, is undergoing another surgeryTuesday, April 18th at 8 am. Please pray for Geoff. Two years ago - May 3rd, Geoff had undergone hip replacement surgery and has suffered a stroke during that time.

He has been hospitalized for two years and has come a long way. I believe he needs surgery on his leg - the exact details I haven't been able to get but the Lord knows. Please lift him up in prayer."

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

UP ON MAY 20th.???

Walk for Life 2006
Walker Procedures and Walker Incentives

Walker Procedures

Signup as many people as you can, asking them for their name, address and telephone numbers.

Please print carefully. Ask the potential walkers to state a specific amount (there is no per mile amount)

Ask people other than those in church (teachers. Relatives, friends) because those in church probably have been already asked by others.

To get a free T-shirt a walker needs at least $150 in sponsorship. Make that your minimum goal.


Amount raised Reward (cumulative)

$150 in sponsorship Free T-shirt

$350.00 $15 gift certificates to
Jesus Book and Gifts

$500.00 Dinner for 2 at a local restaurant

$1,000.00 “Surprise Gift” to be announced
Church Liaisons

Profile: The church liaison is the primary link between their church and Gateway. They are responsible for meeting with their pastor and seeing that the walk-a-thon is presented to the church. Then they are to help with the recruitment of walkers.

Main Task:

1. After an initial mailing by Gateway, any other items needed that can not be mailed are to be picked up and deliver to the church.

2. Meet with the pastor (if possible) and encourage him to attend as well. If he does walk, many more will be likely to walk.

3. As the pastor if he will share about the walk-a-thon, or schedule a speaker for a brief (5 minute) update and announcement.

4. As the church secretary to place the Walk-a-thon insert in the bulletin

5. Encourage 10-15 people (of all ages) to attend. Distribute the literature, possibly at a literature table in the back of the church

6. Talk to friends about walking.

7. Do a ‘creative pulpit announcement’ if possible

8. Ask to speak to the Sunday schools or youth group about the Walk

9. Remind people that they may walk two miles on another day should they be unable to make it on walk day.

10. Set a goal for themselves of $150 per walker in pledges

11. Call for extra sponsor forms or download them from www.gateway.org

12. Have a table in the back of the church for walk materials and registration.

The liaisons should do their best to inspire their walkers. The walkers need to be convinced that this is something they can do and will have fun in the process.

Walk for the Little Ones Sponsor Pledge Form

Walker’s name:________________________________________
Town: _____________________________Zip code___________
Telephone number with area code: ( ) _______________
Church /youth group___________________________________
Please print all information and circle pledge desired

First name __ Last name _______________________
Address__________________________________________________________________Apt# City ____________________________State____ Zip code __________ Tel#_______________________
Circle one $15 $20 $25 $50 $75 $100 Other $ ________________

First name __ Last name _______________________
Address__________________________________________________________________Apt# City ____________________________State____ Zip code __________ Tel#_______________________
Circle one $15 $20 $25 $50 $75 $100 Other $ ________________

First name __ Last name _______________________
Address__________________________________________________________________Apt# City ____________________________State____ Zip code __________ Tel#_______________________
Circle one $15 $20 $25 $50 $75 $100 Other $ ________________

First name __ Last name _______________________
Address__________________________________________________________________Apt# City ____________________________State____ Zip code __________ Tel#_______________________
Circle one $15 $20 $25 $50 $75 $100 Other $ ________________

First name __ Last name _______________________
Address__________________________________________________________________Apt# City ____________________________State____ Zip code __________ Tel#_______________________
Circle one $15 $20 $25 $50 $75 $100 Other $ ________________

Any questions, please call Dean at (973) 399-8378 or (908) 686-3086, email us at dean@gateway.org, or log on to www.gateway.org

Monday, April 10, 2006

Post abortion thoughts from Joan to our counselors

With the recent news of my client Lisa who chose abortion (see March 27, 2006 post) I felt that I wanted to share with the volunteers what I have experienced.. not only now, but also in the past, when a woman we have counseled with chooses to abort. Feel free to do with it as you choose.

Lean not on your own understanding. There are times at the center I have experienced sadness and a broken heart when I learned about a decision by one of my clients to have an abortion.

As a volunteer I want to let you know that you too are not alone if you have struggled with such stirring emotions.

When women we speak to at the center make a choice to abort it not only affects the client but at times it deeply wounds the volunteer who counseled and prayed for her. There's a bond that takes place with the client and her unborn baby, and the volunteer can experience some aspects of post abortion trauma.

So allow yourself permission to grieve and always remember that the Lord would want us to trust in Him in spite of the lost lives. There is also forgiveness that needs to take place as well.

"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith of greater worth than gold, which perishes, even though refined by fire may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1st Peter 1:6-7

Having the sure confidence from the Word of God that the aborted child is with the Lord always brings such peace as you work through your grief and forgiveness. I have learned that being successful is found in obedience and humility not in the choices our clients make.

We must continue to love and speak the truth in love and leave the rest to the Lord. Often times I have been reminded of the verse of Scripture from Galatians 6:9 "Do not grow weary in well doing for in due time you will reap if you do not lose heart".

In His Service and Love,
Joan Vitale
March 28, 2006

Friday, April 7, 2006

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

The Abortion Side Invokes God, Too

Planned Parenthood Prayer Breakfast By Neela Banerjee / The New York Times

In any given week, if you walked into one of Washington's big corporate hotels early in the morning, you would find a community of the faithful, quite often conservative Christians, rallying the troops, offering solace and denouncing the opposition at a prayer breakfast.

So you might be forgiven for thinking that such a group was in attendance on Friday in a ballroom of the Washington Hilton. People wearing clerical collars and small crucifixes were wedged at tables laden with muffins, bowing their heads in prayer. Seminarians were welcomed.

Scripture was cited. But the name of the sponsor cast everything in a new light: the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.To its critics, Planned Parenthood is the godless super-merchant of abortion. To its supporters, it is the dependably secular defender of abortion rights.

But at this breakfast, God was everywhere, easily invoked by believers of various stripes."We are here this morning because, through our collective efforts, we are agents in bringing our fragile world ever closer to the promise of redemption," Rabbi Dennis S. Ross, director of Concerned Clergy for Choice, told the audience.

"As clergy from an array of denominations, we say yes to the call before us. Please join me in prayer: We praise you, God, ruler of time and space, for challenging us to bring healing and comfort to your world.""Amen," the audience responded.The Interfaith Prayer Breakfast has been part of Planned Parenthood's annual convention for four years. Most ministers and rabbis at the breakfast have known the group far longer.

Margaret Sanger, founder of the organization that became Planned Parenthood, drew clergy members in the early 20th century by relating the suffering of women who endured successive pregnancies that ravaged their health and sought illegal abortions in their desperation, said the Rev. Thomas R. Davis of the United Church of Christ, in his book "Sacred Work, Planned Parenthood and Its Clergy Alliances."In the 1930's, Jewish and mainline Protestant groups began to voice their support for birth control.

In 1962, a Maryland clergy coalition successfully pressed the state to permit the disbursal of contraception. In the late 1960's, some 2,000 ministers and rabbis across the country banded together to give women information about abortion providers and to lobby for the repeal of anti-abortion laws."

The clergy could open that door because the clergy had a certain moral authority," said Mr. Davis, who is chairman of Planned Parenthood's clergy advisory board but whose book is not sponsored by the group.

"They balanced the moral authority of the critics."As the scrape of silverware quieted at the breakfast, the Rev. W. Stewart MacColl told the audience how a Presbyterian church in Houston that he had led and several others had worked with Planned Parenthood to start a family planning center. Protesters visited his church.

Yet his 900 parishioners drove through picket lines every week to attend services. One Sunday, he and his wife, Jane, took refreshments to the protesters out of respect for their understanding of faith, he said.

Mr. MacColl said a parishioner called him the next day to comment: "That's all very well for you to say, but you don't drive to church with a 4-year-old in the back seat of your car and have to try to explain to him when a woman holds up a picture of a dead baby and screams through the window, 'Your church believes in killing babies.'"

Mr. MacColl said of the abortion protester: "She would, I suspect, count herself a lover of life, a lover of the unborn, a lover of God. And yet she spoke in harshness, hatred and frightened a little child."

Mr. MacColl quoted the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr: "'Sometimes the worst evil is done by good people who do not know that they are not good.'"The crowd murmured its assent.Then Mr. MacColl challenged them. "

The trouble is, I find myself reflected in that woman," he said. "Because I can get trapped in self-righteousness and paint those who oppose me in dark colors they do not deserve. Is that, at times, true of you, as well?"This time, people were silent.

It is not lost on Mr. Davis how the passion of the Christian right in its effort to abolish abortion and curtail access to birth control now mirrors the efforts of clergy members 40 years ago to do the opposite.

"They're a religious tradition, too, and they are moved by Scripture," he said, although the Bible says nothing explicit about abortion.

"When we understood the suffering in these kinds of situations that women were in, we understood that for reasons of justice, we had to act. We're doing it for theological and Biblical reasons."

A perception may exist that the denominations supporting abortion rights are outnumbered and out-shouted by their more conservative brethren. But that worried Mr. Davis little, he said, for he and other like-minded clergy members were in the minority in the 1960's, too. Still, some clergy members could barely contain their outrage.

"The more we are able to cultivate the capacity in every person — women and men — to make informed ethical judgments both in ourselves and our society, the more we are coming into relationship with the transcendent, with God," said the Rev. Susan Thistlethwaite, president of Chicago Theological Seminary.

"Human existence as a materialistic quest for power and dominance, a crass manipulation of fear and intolerance for political gain, drives us apart both from one another and from God," she said. "For what does it profit you to gain the whole world and lose your soul?"


Banquet 2024

Check out the video from the banquet! Where will you be on October 17th @ 7pm? Thursday October 17, 2024   7:00-9:00pm Calvary Tabernacle  6...