Thursday, June 14, 2007

A cool idea from...

The Umbrella Analogy

"With the support of Compass Bible Church, we've made available a dynamic Flash-based presentation that you can use to share your faith simply by sending a link.

You can also learn from it! This presentation does a wonderful job of explaining, with animation and audio, how the problem of sin keeps us separated from God until faith in Christ provides a protective cover for our lives.

We encourage you to view this presentation several times and memorize the Scripture passages presented so that you can explain the same principle to others. This presentation loaded automatically when you came to this page. The free Flash plug-in is required to view."

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Another way to help the ministry of Gateway:

Here's some information that will help you decide if this is right for you:

"About Giveline - is a revolutionary online store created for the community-minded shopper. Every transaction in our store generates a financial contribution to your favorite charity. And with our unique supplier relationships and efficient new technology, this contribution is significant and truly makes a difference. Giveline contributes between 7 and 33 percent of product sales to the selected charity, with a store-wide average of nearly 16 percent per transaction. The amount to be donated to charity varies by product; however, our “open book” policy includes displaying the exact amount on every product page as well as throughout the checkout process.

Our Mission: Our mission is to fuse social responsibility with consumer spending in an easy-to-use online shopping environment; to provide socially-conscious consumers a unique means by which they can support their favorite charities; to provide the charitable community a diverse source of funding for free; and to provide companies with an incentive and reward solution that allows them to better serve the communities within which they work.

What People Are Saying About Giveline:

"Giveline has created a very unique way to help our Foundation and other charitable causes, through something as simple as shopping online."
- Lee Iacocca, former chief executive of Chrysler Corporation and founder of The Iacocca Foundation

"And as the founder of a charitable organization, I see the profound impact this program can have on our fundraising efforts."
- John Wood, founder of Room to Read and author of "Leaving Microsoft to Change the World"

"It's good to get -- and even better to get through Giveline."
- Fundraising Success Magazine

"How do we engage the individual philanthropic twenty and thirty year old donor? Here it is as they ALL shop online anyway."
- Sara Speer Selber, former CEO of AIDS Foundation Houston and philanthropy consultant to the Fortune 500

"Giveline appears to be in the right place at the right time."
- Houston Business Journal

Check it out!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

An update from Lois, concerning our brother Gregg Cunningham:

Gregg is much improved from his hyperacusis and also his back injury. He can tolerate hearing everyday sounds now. He still must limit the amount and volume at which he speaks to reduce the likelihood that he will get the troubling hyperacusis symptoms (headache, ringing in the ears, vibration in the skull).

He is also improving in the length of time he can tolerate reading and writing.He is out walking at 15 minute intervals about 6 times a day, so that has improved his morale too.
Gregg's improvement is doubly important because I leave for China early Thursday morning to bring home Amy, our third adopted daughter!
God bless you, Lois

edit. note: Check out these links about Gregg and the work of CBR

Banquet 2024

Check out the video from the banquet! Where will you be on October 17th @ 7pm? Thursday October 17, 2024   7:00-9:00pm Calvary Tabernacle  6...