Saturday, November 21, 2009

Join the fun and the opportunity to help the ministry of Gateway

Cranford Alliance Church will hold their annual
Missions Auction on December 4th.

Call Gateway Board member Betty Mabee
@ 908-276-8242 for further details

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

" Chastity is the only way before marriage "

Check out the 3:49 video clip on Tangle (God Tube)

Osceola Presbyterian Church youth group presentation, Tuesday November 3, 2009

Thanks to Stacey Decastro and her sister Jennifer for sharing
their testimonies on the positive effects of abstaining until marriage.

Stacey, age 19, shared that although it's difficult, abstaining is worth it.

Jennifer, 21, is engaged. She shared with the Jr. and Sr. High youth that it is well worth the wait because she wants to obey God.

Banquet 2024

Check out the video from the banquet! Where will you be on October 17th @ 7pm? Thursday October 17, 2024   7:00-9:00pm Calvary Tabernacle  6...