Sunday, December 1, 2013

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Monday, October 14, 2013

Gateway Pregnancy Centers 28th Annual Stewardship Banquet

Thursday October 24, 2013


The Gran Centurion in Clark, NJ

Our theme for the evening 

We boldly proclaim Christ at Gateway because we know He is

click here for words >>M-I-G-H-T-Y   T-O   S-A-V-E

All proceeds benefit the gospel ministry of Gateway Pregnancy Center
(Irvington – Plainfield – Elizabeth)

You will hear testimonies by men and women impacted by the ministry. 

You will be blessed with music to stir your soul and challenge your spirit:

How Great Is Our God?

Our Board Chairman, Rev. Michael Westbrook  (pictured above with his wife Maria) will be the master of ceremonies for the evening. Check out the Greater Life Community Outreach Center's website  at:


Director of Hope National

Scroll down for biography 
click on Jodie's name above to see her Facebook Page

Each year we present an award to 'The Friend of Gateway' (we call it the Andy Andersen Memorial Award) The 2013 award goes to


and as a part of

we will honor all the pastors in attendance with a small gift and a time of recognition.

So, be sure to invite your pastor 

Our special music will be provided by the
and  Gateway Board member 
David Barker singing the 'Compassion Hymn'

The banquet is FREE. We are asking that a minimum donation of $25 be made to cover the meal. There will be an opportunity given for a freewill offering and monthly giving.

Advanced reservations must be made.

Please return the reservation form by October 21, 2013.

You may also register on Facebook at:

For information: (973) 399-8378
log on to: and checkout our BLOG for further details and directions

To make reservations, please call us immediately 
at 973-399-8378 or email

Banquet Location:
Grand Centurions  
440 Madison Hill Road, Clark NJ 07066

Please scroll down for directions or click on this link,+NJ+07066&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=440+Madison+Hill+Rd,+Clark,+New+Jersey+07066&gl=us&t=m&z=14&vpsrc=0&iwloc=A&f=d&daddr=440+Madison+Hill+Rd,+Clark,+NJ+07066&geocode=%3BCZulIAvVSnoPFbjGawIdPxGS-yn9PrvHWLHDiTF0YHW5Y00O9g

The Gran Centurions can seat up to
450 in their beautiful Garden Room

Open Seating

Reservations are available by advance notice only !!!

               How To Make Reservations    

(Please have all reservations to us by
Monday, October 21st.) 

(1)   Call us at 973-399-8378

(2)   email us at

(3)   Reserve your seats on Facebook:

Prayerfully consider giving at the banquet. 

You will be challenged to help Gateway meet  our $50,000 Banquet challenge and the need for $100,000 to meet obligations by December 31st.

Yes, I wish to make a significant difference at Banquet 2013!

_____   I plan to attend and will bring ______others with me. Please list your guests
             names and addresses on the reverse side of this form.
______ I cannot attend, but wish to give  a special stewardship gift of:

______$5,000  _____$2,000   ______$1,000  ____$500                 ______   $250    ______  other ______ $20 per month pledge  _______   $50 per month pledge

Name: _____________________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________

City ________________________________State_____________Zip___________________

Telephone: (             )  ____________________email:_______________________________

                            Gateway Pregnancy Centers, Inc.          
                                       (973) 399-8378
                 960 Springfield Ave, Irvington, NJ  07111  

Please pray as to how you will participate in the freewill offering to be taken that evening. 

Again, the banquet is FREE. We are asking that a minimum donation of $25 be made to cover the meal. There will be an opportunity given for a freewill offering and monthly giving.


Since 1985, Gateway Pregnancy Center and the former, Archway Pregnancy Center have helped over 28, 510 women in a crisis  pregnancy, seeing 3,026 babies known born and most importantly, over 2,383  trusting Christ as Savior and Lord!

The Gospel ministry of Gateway has had the opportunity to share Christ with women who otherwise may never enter a church building.

Services offered by the Gateway ministry include pregnancy testing, boyfriend / husband counseling on responsibility, free infant clothes and supplies, maternity clothes, baby furniture, post abortion counseling, church, high school, college, radio and television speaking opportunities, internet counseling and various contacts with the FBI and other parts of the judicial system.

All services are free of charge and strictly confidential.  

Check out our latest Gateway Today newsletter

Gateway’s services are made possible only through church missions giving and individual gifts and pledges. 
As a 501 c-3 non-profit, we receive no funds from the government.

We are dependent upon the Lord through Gods people.

Check out these videos:

Gateway Promotional video
You Tube: Banquet 2011

Animoto 30 second promo for Banquet 2010

You Tube: Compassion in ministry Do You Feel The Need?

The Harder Truth Promo for Pastors by Rev. Dean Gavaris

Consider giving to Gateway online: 

Network for Good

We hope to see you on October 24th!

Check out the Gateway website

Directions to the Gran Centurions
440 Madison Hill Road, Clark, NJ  07066   Telephone: 732-382-1664

From the south: Garden St Pkwy to exit 135, stay straight to the traffic light and make a right. At your second exit make a right.   The hotel is on the left. 

From the north: Garden St Pkwy to exit 135, go straight to the second traffic light and make a left. Go through the next light and take the second exit to the right. The hotel will be on the left  (Valley Road).

Consider placing an ad in our 2013 Banquet Journal for your church, your business, your prayer group, yourself   or in honor or memory of a loved one.. (see below)

The deadline for ads is Friday, October 18, 2013

Click on the downloadable materials

BanquetJournal Response Form 

Significant Difference Giving Card 2013

Banquet Journal 2013 Price List 


Additional information about our special speaker

    Jodie Rae Zicker     Director of Hope National

Jodie is pictured here with her husband, Michael

                   Jodie, in her own words:

“I served as the Executive Director of The Vine Pregnancy Center in Frazier Park, CA for 8 years  from 2002-2010.  I resigned at the beginning of 2011 to assist my husband with our restoration company (His Way Creations) full-time until we closed in at the end 2011.  

They were very difficult times but truly sanctifying. 

The Dundas' asked me at the end of 2010 if I would step in as director, but to their shock I resigned completely.  It was heartbreaking to walk away, but God honored my heart's desire in January 2013.  My husband told me that it was "not never"  just "not now" and he meant it. 

My husband, Michael, served as the Board Chair of the crisis pregnancy center I directed from 2003-2011.  My mom took over my position from 2011-2013.  God brought so much healing to our family through our time serving.  We have been through so much, especially, in our early years in the late '90s. 

My abortion was in 1992.  I came to Christ in 1995.  My husband and I met in 1997 and we were married in 1998.  Michael has gone through so much with me during the healing time after I began to publicly speak about my abortion in 2002. 

God has brought so much healing through the forgiveness found in Christ Jesus alone, and the power of the Gospel.  Hope National's, Focus on the Heart manual, truly transformed my life.  I am humbled by all that the Lord has done and pray to serve Him faithfully as the Director. 

We will pray faithfully for the work the Lord has planned.  We are honored to join your ministry and further the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we seek to bring Christ into the choice for life! Blessings, Jodie”

Jodie Zicker is a graduate of:

The Master's College (M.A.), Biblical Counseling 
The University of New Mexico Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Psychology

Listen on the internet  

2009 Calvary Chapel Frazier Park , California  Women's Conference, "Leaning On The Everlasting Arms"  

Hope National is a nationwide association of pregnancy centers whose counseling approach is anchored in Biblical method and content.  Hope National is the first and only national organization to offer a Biblical counseling manual to the prolife field.

Gateway Pregnancy Center has been privileged to use the excellent training manual (Focus on the Heart) written by Rev. Jim Dundas of Hope National.  

Jim is a graduate of Northeastern Bible College, as is Gateway’s director, Rev. Dean Gavaris.


One of the original founders of the pregnancy center, prolife movement
Rev. Curt Young endorses Hope National's 'Focus on the Heart' manual.

Curt Young, senior pastor of the Church of the Atonement, was one of the
original founders of the pro-life, pregnancy center movement in America. 

For 10 years he was executive director of the Christian Action Council (later to become known as Care Net). He wrote, The Least of These, one of the original books on abortion and the need for Christians to be involved in pregnancy centers. He writes this about Focus on the Heart:

"Focus on the Heart is an exceptional manual for centers that desire to equip volunteers with a biblical foundation as well as the skills for Christ-centered counseling...

The premise behind this manual is that pregnancy resource centers are outreach ministries, mission efforts within our own cultures with the primary task of demonstrating the love of Christ and testifying of the truth of the Gospel.  The two go hand in hand.  

To this end medical care, social services and other components of active care are often added over time to great effect, but the centers remain Christ-centered ministries in their mission and practice. 

The assumption behind the effort to produce this manual has been that the pregnancy resource center is a place where Christians should never be inhibited from sharing Christ, where they feel every encouragement always and have all the support necessary in everything to testify of the goodness of the Redeemer and invite repentance and faith toward him.  

Honestly, should we accept a definition of success that does not include this?

At the end of the day, the most important activity in a pregnancy center is takes place in the counseling room as the volunteer counselor and client speak with each other.  

If there is a point where the Gospel belongs and the volunteer should have the very best support possible, it is there.  

This manual serves these ends. 

Focus on the Heart is well worth the time and effort to study it and learn the remarkable insights it contains...Read it, and you will see it is the product of deep Evangelical faith, rich with insight and full of practical wisdom that comes from decades of success in leading multiple pregnancy centers in different regions of the U.S. I commend it to you."

Dr. R.C. Sproul, Ligonier Ministries, FL. 
"it looks powerful...I pray God will use it in the battle for the lives of the unborn.."

Dr. D. James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries, FL.
"This form of Biblical counseling, I believe, is of extreme importance in this time when unwanted pregnancies and abortion propaganda are such a direct threat to women of teen-age and above. 

The spiritual solutions which your manual supplies are as important as the physical attention, if not more so. I hope your manual will receive the wide dissemination and acceptance it deserves."

Further information about Hope National  

Hope National  - “Bringing Christ into the Choice for Life”

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide training materials, information and education on how to "Bring Christ back into the Choice for Life"

Our Vision
Our vision is that pregnancy center ministries would come to a full appreciation of the centrality of God, the need to focus on Christ and to be dependent on the Holy Spirit in obedience to His Word. 

Centers must understand that abortion is first and foremost a spiritual issue, the destruction of the image of God in the womb of the mother, and an issue of the heart in which the Gospel of Christ presented through Biblical counseling and Christian love is the ultimate answer.

Our Objective
Our objective is to provide training, materials, support, and fellowship so that pregnancy counseling centers might operate in accordance with the teaching of Scripture. 

We believe that the Bible is sufficient for addressing the concerns of life, particularly those critical decisions related to the abortion issue.

About the Manual Authors

Pastor Jim Dundas has a BA in Biblical Literature from Northeastern Bible College and his Master's Degree in Religion with a Theological emphasis from Westminster Theological Seminary.

He has further graduate education in Counseling/Psychology from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California. 

Jim was ordained in 1986 by the Evangelical Free church and served as an active duty Navy Chaplain for six years, three of which he specialized in Pastoral Counseling in the family counseling center. 

He is presently a Navy Reserve Chaplain. Jim has been a director of a pregnancy center, a board member and board chairman of two pregnancy centers. He and his wife Pat are co-founders of the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates(NIFLA). 

Jim is formerly the Chairman of the Board of Directors of NIFLA and a former board member of Heartbeat International. Jim also pastors a church in Delaware and is founder and director of Hope Counseling Center. For additional information contact: Hope National, P.O. Box 61, Lincoln, Delaware 19960: Telephone: 302-424-2166 or email them at

Gateway Pregnancy Center

(973) 399-8378   

Three  locations

60 Springfield Avenue, Irvington, NJ  07111
65 Jefferson Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ  07208
705 Park Avenue, Plainfield, NJ  07060

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