Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Two days left

'for the least and for the lost - 2014'

                                   Help us reach our goal!

In the past year, Gateway Pregnancy Center has seen nearly 1,300 women, more than 225 babies are known born and our men have counseled about 82 boyfriends/husbands. 

Most importantly, 461 have trusted Christ and another 35 rededicated their life to the Lord! We especially thank God for this.

As the days draw nearer to the return of Jesus Christ, will you commit to supporting this life saving work? 

We’ve made that easy through Pay Pal (below) and by reaching out to us at Gateway Pregnancy Center, 960 Springfield Avenue, Irvington, NJ 07111.

Read all about it!  Gateway's Winter Life Times Newsletter

Check out our promotional video on YouTube and follow us on Facebook!

“Greater things for a great God, who sent His only Son so that we and others may live forever!”  (John 3:16)

You can donate to Gateway by clicking here!


Gateway Pregnancy Center
(973) 399-8378   dean@gateway.org   www.gateway.org

Friday, December 26, 2014

Two Great End of Year Giving Opportunities! 

Read all about it!  Gateway's Winter Life Times Newsletter

In the past year, we’ve seen nearly 1,300 women, more than 225 babies are known born and our men have counseled about 82 boyfriends/husbands. 

Most importantly, 461 have trusted Christ and another 35 rededicated their life to the Lord! We especially thank God for this.
In addition, our staff spoke at numerous churches, schools and events, bringing the gospel and the message of life to thousands. In just a four month period over 1,000 youth were personally reached in Essex and Union counties.
In the Spring of 2014 we again traveled to Charlotte, NC with this life-changing message: 'Focus on the Real Need - Sharing Christ at the Crisis Pregnancy Center'

-- Our FBI contacts continue to allow us to help victims of human trafficking. 
-- Tons of new baby items are donated to us yearly and giving to new moms. 
-- Pillar Christian College (Newark) continues to send us interns to learn and serve.
The question to be asked is ..
Can we count on you as we move forward with the gospel in 2015?
As the days draw nearer to the return of Jesus Christ, will you commit to supporting this life saving work? 

We’ve made that easy through Pay Pal (below) and by reaching out to us at Gateway Pregnancy Center, 960 Springfield Avenue, Irvington, NJ 07111.
If you have a ‘smart phone’ check out our promotional video on YouTube and follow us on Facebook!

“Greater things for a great God, who sent His only Son so that we and others may live forever!”  (John 3:16)

Friday, December 5, 2014

Congratulations Lovana and Maurice

Jamaillie has arrived!
Check out the story at:

Born December 1, 2014 at 3:40pm
Lovana and Maurice Webb-Wauchope are the proud parents of baby Jamaillie, 6lb. 3 oz. and 19 inches long!

Lovana and Maurice were at our recent Banquet and shared their story.

Baby Jamaillie arrives Sunday afternoon!

Looking back............................ 

Joyce Morris interprets for Lovana at our October 23, 2014 Banquet in Clark

Dean, Lovana and mom Elsie at Gateway in July

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Lovana is due any day now!!

Lovana is due any day now!!

If you attended our recent banquet, you saw Lovana and her husband, Maurice. 

Their first baby (Jamille) is being induced as this is being written.

Please pray for a safe arrival!

We'll be sure to let you know when baby Jamille arrives; in the meantime, check out her strong heartbeat.

 ..and be sure to say THANKS to the Lord for His blessings at Gateway by participating in "GIVING TUESDAY".

Monday, October 27, 2014

Please pray for our friend Susana. 

We've known her for years and wish to support her in her battle against Stage 4 Breast Cancer.

Banquet 2024

Check out the video from the banquet! Where will you be on October 17th @ 7pm? Thursday October 17, 2024   7:00-9:00pm Calvary Tabernacle  6...