Monday, March 12, 2007

May we encourage YOU to attend?

National Day of Prayer 2007 –Observance for Union County


“America Unite in Prayer”

2 Chronicles 7:14

March 31st, 2007

Union County National Day of Prayer Observance

Host church: Evangel Baptist Church

Countywide Observance for NDP

242 Shunpike Rd

Springfield, NJ

Time: 11: 00AM to 1:30PM

(Time of prayer, refreshment’s and fellowship)

RSVP: Dorothy Booker, 973 379-3130 (please leave a message)

Focus: Unite In Prayer for Union County Leader’s

The 56th Annual National Day of Prayer will take place Thursday, May 3, 2007. The theme for this year is "America, Unite in Prayer" and is based on the verse from II Chronicles 7:14 which states: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." NIV

Information from state coordinator and director, Pat Wenzel

Please pray and seek God for how he might use you to bring together His body in your community for a time of united prayer on May 3rd, 2007. The national website ( offers many helps. Please list your event on the website there were 6 million hits last year in April. Our state site ( receives hundreds of hits a day and over a thousand the week of NDP. However you must register as a coordinator to truly list your event. There are downloads for coordinators and resources for purchases. The representatives listed on the state site are current to the end of 2007. Please continue to check for updates.

State Observance, May 2nd, 2007

Time: 6 to 9PM Theme: From many Nations one People

Dr. Chuck Pierce

State House

Assembly Chambers

Trenton, NJ


1-888- 657-7293

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