Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Announcing our very special guest for Banquet 2008

Gloria Gaynor

Thursday, October 16, 2008

7:00-9:00 pm

The Harvest Center
of Calvary Tabernacle,
Cranford, NJ

This years banquet will feature a personal testimony and special music by Sharon Vann-Willams and a praise dance by Dawn Hillman

Testimonies will be given by women helped through the ministry

A freewill offering will be taken for the gospel ministry of Gateway

Reservations may be made in advance by returning the form belowand payment of $20 for each person attending.

Please make your reservations before October 8, 2008
($25 per person after October 8th as space allows)

Mail form below to Gateway at
960 Springfield Ave, Irvington, NJ 07111

Any questions? Call us at 973-399-8378 or email us at

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Name: _______________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________

City: ________________________________________State___________Zip_______

Phone: ( ) ___________ E-mail_________ Reservations desired: ___________

Place names / addresses on reverse side Total amount enclosed: $________

”I am unable to attend, but please accept my gift of $ _______”

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Some background on Gloria Gaynor

Gloria's Autobiography

Gloria's updated version of I Will Survive

“Only the Lord could give me strength not to fall apart
I will survive; He gave me life; I stand beside the
Crucified One; I can go on; I will be strong; For my
strength to live is not my own; I will survive!”

Some words from Gloria on 'Faith'

The central motive in a person's life should be a desire to know and please God. Jesus promises that if this is taken seriously and practiced, all of your needs and righteous desires will be met.

God grant me the compassion to pray for the people I don't or shouldn't like, bless me to meet the ones I should and the discernment to know the difference.

To forgive does not mean to excuse a person for wrong-doing; it simply means you stop wanting them to pay, and start wanting them simply to realize and repent of the wrong, for their own good. This is why you need God's help to forgive.

A person's life consists of the object of his faith, who he is, what he stands for, how he uses his gifts, talents and attributes, his quality relationships and what he is willing to live or die for. In all areas of life seek truth and surrender to it.

Internet links

Gloria's Christian Testimony


Audio clips


Christian music
HE GAVE ME LIFE Newest song: clip :30 sec:


Alien Song

Thanksgiving turkey

Gloria's website

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Banquet 2024

Check out the video from the banquet! Where will you be on October 17th @ 7pm? Thursday October 17, 2024   7:00-9:00pm Calvary Tabernacle  6...